Colorful Budget Power-Up tips and tricks

Budget management doesn't have to be a chore! With Colorful Budget, it's a fun experience, and we're here to teach you some useful hints helping you save money effortlessly. This tips and tricks page focuses on budgeting best practices, budget templates, labelling, using budget boards from Trello mobile app, and more.
Add due dates to set reminders about money transfers
Colorful Budget is your go-to tool for never forgetting about important money transfers and bills. Just create a card representing your expense, and add a due date. You can also click "Watch" under "Notifications", and Trello will ping you when the due date is near.
You've not only recorded your bill into your financial history, but also done yourself a favor by ensuring you won't overlook the money transfer when it's due. As you can see, our Power-Up is designed to make use of as many powerful Trello features as possible - including due dates and reminders.
Create multiple budget boards to suit your needs
Creating multiple budget boards can help you tailor your financial management to your specific needs. Whether you're budgeting for your monthly expenses, planning for vacations, or managing your side activities and small businesses, having separate boards for each can keep your finances organized and easy to manage. Remember that you can use Colorful Budget on unlimited number of boards!
You can create distinct budget boards for different months, such as "August 2023 Budget" or "June 2023 Budget." This allows you to focus on the financial goals and expenses specific to each month without cluttering your workspace with unrelated information.
Planning a vacation? Set up a dedicated board to track your trip expenses. With a separate board for vacations, you can monitor your travel budget separately and avoid any confusion with your day-to-day finances.
If you're juggling multiple side activities or small businesses, keeping a unique budget board for each ensures you have a clear overview of the financial health of each endeavor. This separation simplifies decision-making and financial planning for each project.
Organize your multiple budget boards
To keep your numerous budget boards neatly organized, you can make use of a nice Trello feature called Collections. In the "Boards" tab, you'll find tiles representing your budget boards. Simply click the plus (+) button below one of the budget tiles and select "Create collection." Name your new collection "Budget" and associate it with multiple budget boards. Now, you can easily filter your boards using the "Filter by" field and selecting the "Budget" collection to have all your budget boards conveniently separated from the rest.
Create reusable budget templates
As we mentioned earlier, you have the flexibility to create multiple boards to suit your needs. In this case, it can be convenient to have a base template for your budget that already includes some common expenses and incomes. For instance, if you're managing budget boards for each month, you probably have the same set of cards for your bills, paychecks, and other recurring items.
To set up a budget template, start by creating a new board. Name it as you want, for example "Monthly Budget." Add our Colorful Budget Power-Up, add budget categories, and create cards for the items you'd like to reuse.
Next, click on the three dots (⋮) button within your board and select "Copy board." Give it a name (for example, "October 2023 Budget"). Don't forget to check the "keep cards" checkbox, and then click "Create." That's it! You can easily replicate this process whenever you want to reuse your monthly budget board, saving you time and effort in managing your finances efficiently.
Collaborate on your budget with others
You can easily team up with your friends or colleagues to manage your finances together. Imagine planning a group trip with friends, or perhaps, you're working on a project with your team at work. With Colorful Budget, collaborating on budget is really easy and intuitive.
To start collaborating, simply head to your budget board and click the "Share" button. This allows you to invite new team members to join your budgeting efforts. Remember that each member of your board needs to enable the Power-Up to use it.
Our pricing model is designed to be flexible – you get unlimited boards, but each member pays for themselves. Here's the kicker: you only need to pay if you want to create and edit new categories. This means you can designate one "admin" user to moderate your budget while others use the Power-Up for free. We've done it in this to offer you a budget-friendly approach to collaborative financial management!
Label your expenses to track your financial habits
By adding labels to cards on your budget board, you can add valuable context to your financial analysis. For example, if you maintain a monthly personal budget board with a "Food" category for all your food-related expenses, you can define labels such as "eating out," "groceries," and "baking" to categorize your expenses.
As time passes and you continue to add expenses, these labels become incredibly handy. Your summary card will provide you with a clear percentage breakdown of how much you've spent in each labeled category. This way, you can quickly see where your money is going and maintain a close watch on your financial habits. For instance, you'll be able to monitor how much you're spending on dining out, allowing you to make informed decisions about your budgeting. One of the fantastic things about Colorful Budget is its seamless integration with native Trello features like card labels.
Use Trello card templates for creating similar expenses and incomes
There are times when you need to keep track of many similar expenses or incomes. For instance, if you're running a selling business and you repeatedly sell the same product, you can streamline the process by creating a Trello card template for this income. There is a very useful Trello feature called card templates which, in combination with our Power-Up, allows you to simplify this budgeting task.
To get started, add a new card and give it a title. Next, fill in the income or expense details, and feel free to include any additional information you want – Trello card templates are flexible and can accommodate descriptions, attachments, and more. Once you're satisfied with your template card, just click on the "Make template" button.
From that point on, managing similar incomes or expenses becomes a breeze. Whenever you need to add a new entry, just use the "Create from template..." button, select the relevant template, click create, and you're all set. Colorful Budget allows you to save time and effort while keeping your budget well-organized!
Enable Trello colorblind friendly mode to unlock alternative look of budget board
Did you know that Trello offers a feature that allows you to activate colorblind friendly mode? This mode modify the appearance of your labels and card covers, enhancing each color with a corresponding visual pattern. This not only makes them easier to distinguish, but also gives your budget board an interesting alternative look!
This is yet another example of accessibility being advantageous to everyone. To enable this alternative look, click on the three dots (⋮) button within your board, hit the "Labels" button, and select "Enable colorblind friendly mode".
Use Trello custom fields for storing expenses and incomes (Trello standard plan)
For advanced users looking to harness the full potential of Trello for their budgeting needs, Colorful Budget offers the option to work with Trello custom fields. Turning it on will make Power-Up read your budget data from the custom fields added to cards. Why would you want to do this? While it's perfectly fine to stick with the default behavior, utilizing custom fields unlocks additional advanced Colorful Budget capabilities (like using your budget boards from Trello mobile app and automations). Keep in mind that you need to be at least on the Trello standard plan for using custom fields.
To make your budget board work with custom fields, navigate to Colorful Budget settings: Open any card and click the "Colorful Budget" button under the "Power-Ups" section. Then, check the "Use custom fields for storing expenses and incomes" box. Colorful Budget relies on two custom fields – one for income and one for expenses – that need to be defined on your Trello board. You won't have to define them on your own. Just click the "Configure automatically" button, and Colorful Budget will take care of the rest. You'll see a message confirming that your custom fields are configured. Simply click "Save," and you're all set! Your expenses and incomes will now be stored using Trello custom fields. Remember that this feature is tailored for power users who want to make the most of their Colorful Budget experience while being at lest on the Trello standard plan. Following sections are focused on potential usages of our Power-Up with custom fields.
Using Trello mobile app for on the go budgeting (Trello standard plan)
Picture this: you're out and about, doing some shopping. You want a quick and easy way to record your expenses on the fly. Colorful Budget allows that - provided that you're at least on the Trello standard plan, and followed the steps from the Use Trello custom fields for storing expenses and incomes section.
Here's how it works. Even though most Power-Ups don't typically work on the Trello mobile app, including Colorful Budget, enabling custom fields makes it possible to add new expenses and incomes from your phone! This budget data can then be accessed through your web browser to view category summaries and the budget dashboard.
Use automations on your buget boards (Trello standard plan)
One powerful trick you can use is leveraging the automation feature. Trello provides powerful support for custom fields within its automation tools, offering you a wide array of possibilities. Let's take an example: imagine you want to receive email notifications whenever someone add an expense higher than $500 on your budget board.
To set this up, simply click on the three dots (⋮) button within your board and select "Automation." Head over to the "Rules" tab and hit the "Create automation" button. Now, set a trigger by selecting "When custom field Expense is set to a number greater than 500" under the Fields tab. Moving on, in the actions screen, go to the Content tab and add the action "set an email notification" with your email address and desired content. That's it! You're all set to start receiving email notifications each time someone adds an expense exceeding $500 to your budget.
This is just one example of using Colorful Budget with automation, and the possibilities are virtually limitless, depending on your specific needs and creative ideas. Keep in mind that you need to be at least on the Trello standard plan, and already followed the steps from the Use Trello custom fields for storing expenses and incomes section.
In conclusion, you've discovered some handy tricks to supercharge your budgeting with Colorful Budget. You've learned how to keep your budget on track by making use of our best practices and advanced features, especially if you have access to powerful Trello capabilities available on standard plan. So, go ahead, have some fun, and make budgeting a breeze! Happy budgeting with Colorful Budget!
- Add due dates to set reminders about money transfers
- Create multiple budget boards to suit your needs
- Create reusable budget templates
- Collaborate on your budget with others
- Label your expenses to track your financial habits
- Use Trello card templates for creating similar expenses and incomes
- Enable Trello colorblind friendly mode to unlock alternative look of budget board
- Use Trello custom fields for storing expenses and incomes (Trello standard plan)
- Using Trello mobile app for on the go budgeting (Trello standard plan)
- Use automations on your buget boards (Trello standard plan)